The 96th members association is loosely run by a committee.
Mervyn Kelly and his wife Pat have organised us since the early 2000s, so we called them the Chairman and/or Secretary, with Pat usually doing most of the computer work, writing e-mails, and Merv doing the phoning up of people, etc.
Gordon Sherratt and his wife Anne essentially also did part of the Secretary’s job, sorting out Hotel bookings for reunions, negotiating room rates, arranging menus, etc.
We are still looking for a permanent change of organisers to give these good people a rest.
Gerry Law has lately been involved in publishing both Volumes of The Book and has also undertaken Master of Ceremonies at times during reunions, however he also takes an interest in most Entry associated things.
Merv, Gordon and Gerry Law are authorised signatories to the bank holding our Entry fund. 2 signatures are required to avoid any one of them running off with the Entry washers, probably left over from the Great Train Robbery, which coincidentally occurred nearby just after our time at Halton.
Frank Baldry looks after the contacts’ database, listing out from the Entry nominal role those people we have contact with, those who have sadly passed over, leaving obviously those who have not yet be traced. Frank has also stepped in to organise a recent reunion.
My role in all this is to maintain the 96th Entry web sites. Contact Webmaster Please note our anti-spam precautions if you use this link to make contact.
I repeat we are still looking for anyone who fancies taking over the Committee reins.
For the record you can make contact with any of us using links to individuals’ personal info pages on the main web site. Generally these pages will list full postal address, telephone numbers and e-mail address.
To accord with Data Protection Regulations we will not gather or publish any information about you on either 96th Entry web site without your express permission.